On February 3, 2023, Genie passed away peacefully. The years of work on collecting the information on Our Brick Walls is greatly appreciated.
To keep the information collected here from being lost, work will begin on transitioning as much information as possible to WikiTree.com. WikiTree is a shared single family tree where everyone can work collaboratively on one family tree. This will make it much easier to collaborate adding and correcting information. If you have any info or questions email contact@ourbrickwalls.com

Our research is on the Early Families of Maryland and Pennsylvania, their ancestors and descendants.
Some descendants of these families migrated later into Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, West Virginia and beyond.
If you are connected to any of these early families, please join us in our efforts. We may be able to help each other in our genealogical research.
Please feel free to submit any little thing you may have, whether it's pictures, a date of birth/death/marriage, burial location, an obituary, Military Record or whatever, that pertains to these pioneers of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and their related Ancestors or Descendants.
Happy Hunting!

Our concentration is on those not-very-well-documented family members. These are our "orphans", because we need to find their parents and connect them to the rest of the families. Most often, these are Our Brick Walls.
Please be aware, that some of the information here, is undocumented and not yet proven. Undocumented data here (as elsewhere), should ONLY be used as leads, not actual fact.
Where documentation is available, we will provide it or the source. You should always verify any information you find, before accepting it. Being found on the internet does not make it true or carved in stone!
There is some data that has been 'generally accepted' as being fact. Quite often this information is based solely on assumption.
Anyone researching "orphan" family members whose origin is along the Potomac, is invited to join us in our sleuthing.
We will include what has been accepted, along with any notes regarding the questionable data, and let you be the judge. Whatever documentation we find to substantiate or disprove that information will be added, to aid you in your research.
In climbing through family trees, we have come across many inconsistencies in the "generally accepted" family lines which we would like to resolve.

©OurBrickWalls.com 2004 ~ 2020